M & A and Compliance

In the 3rd edition of the book "Unternehmenskauf in der Steuerpraxis" by the publisher Prof. Dr. Patrick Sinewe, our partner Oliver Zöll has written the section on preliminary labour law considerations in the preparation of the sale of a company.
One finds here basic features on transactional labour law on § 613a BGB and on the drafting of MA contracts with regard to labour law issues.
Also brand new are the comments by our colleague Zöll in the new Taeger/Gabel, Commentary on Data Protection 4th edition on data protection in outsourcing and M&A transactions and the associated due diligence (Zöll in Taeger/Gabel, § 26 Rd. 58).
Our advisory focus on "Compliance" is also increasingly in demand in transactions.
Especially risks in the areas of white collar, data protection, labour law and ethics (anti-discrimination, supply chain, etc.) play a not insignificant role for the acquirer due to the considerable liability and reputation risks assumed in the course of the transaction. It is not uncommon for us to work on special issues for clients in their due diligence team or post-M&A at the "target". We are also happy to work in "mixed panels" with transactional law firms.
If you have any questions, contact Oliver Zöll and Dr Jan Kappel.